Friday, January 9, 2009


Oh, the challenges of maintaining a Multi-Generational ministry. It's tough to come up with lessons that cross not just ages but generations. Throw in the fact that all of us are in different stretches of our spiritual journeys and you have one big task ahead.

That's what we seemed to face in 2008. There were some losses as the group struggled to meet everyone where they were at in their lives. And you can't; the truth is you have to determine what your target is and aim for it, even if it means you lose some others.

It doesn't make losing others less painful. In a group that recognizes relationships as being the key ingredient that holds things together, losing some of those relationships hurt. Yet you still have to focus on the target, aim as straight as you can, and concentrate your ministry energy there.

Yet now it's time for a bit of a challenge. Our lessons have been short, simple, to the point. Now we are going to tackle The Jesus I Never Knew video from Philip Yancey. We'll have to take our time, we'll have to open up our Bibles, we'll have to recognize and be challenged by the generational differences we'll hear.

May 2009 be the year we learn, as C. S. Lewis wrote, "Safe, no He's not safe. But He is good."